Matt Nelson

Photo of Matt Nelson

Matt Nelson

Matt Nelson Agency
Phone:   (612) 269-2261
Fax:   (952) 897-1817


Matthew provides personal insurance products through offering choice, flexibility and superior protection.  He works with more than 25 insurance carriers...all rated A or better by A.M Best Company.

As an independent agent, Matt is genuine, authentic, honest and direct with the people he serves because he is not obligated to one insurance company, production quotas or other external pressures that may not be in the best interest of his clients.  Insurance can be complicated.  Clients need an advocate, not a brand.

The insurance industry is ever-changing.  If an annual review indicates coverage changes are needed or shopping for new rates may benefit his client, Matt has the ability to find the insurance carrier to faciliate those changes.

Originally from Hopkins, Matt served 4.5 years in the U.S. Marine Corps (1999-2003).    He is active in his Church, Marine Corps League and the Edina Chamber of Commerce.


Matt has a Bachelors of Science in Sport Management from the University of Massachusetts (2003-2007).


 Matt is married and has 2 children.



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