Jamie Swenson

Photo of Jamie Swenson

Jamie Swenson

Jamie Swenson Agency
Phone:   651-731-7841
Cell Phone:   218-349-1186
Fax:   1-877-587-6556


I relocated back to Woodbury, MN after a 16 year tour of Northeastern Minnesota and am expanding my business in the Twin Cities metro area.  During that time I attended the University of Minnesota, Duluth,  where I participated on the UMD baseball team and graduated with a B.S. Degree in Business Administration.

Living in the northland gave me a great appreciation of what Minnesota has to offer its residents and some expanded knowledge of the insurance industry.

In addition, my eleven years of a financial services background as a personal banker, business banker and branch manager has provided me with an excellent skillset in my curent business as an insurance agency owner.

I enjoy connecting with my clients and new customers to uncover what is most important to the customer regarding their insurance needs.  Properly matching client insurance needs to the right products and services keeps their insurance cost effective, which keeps my customers happy and provides me with new referrrals.


Proud father of 2 boys (Cooper and Sawyer) and have 2 Labs (Bauer and Cloe).


B.S. Business Administration from University of Minnesota-Duluth 2002.


Hiking, fishing year around, hunting and being outdoors in any capacity with my family.


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